Want to be in a music video?
I recently had an impulsive idea to create a music video. The thought would've passed with nothing coming of, but I'm blessed to work with a group of people as ridiculous as I am, so with YouTube enabling us, we produced our own Yoga parody.
After posting my video, I naturally went down the YouTube rabbit hole of watching other related videos. As an homage to the ones that made me laugh the hardest...here are a few more you might want to check out...or might not, as the case may be.
The video below is another Formation spoof. The first time I watched it, I was like "what is happening??" but after the 3 time (I know, I'm shameful), I was laughing so hard I could.not.speak.
Up next, a "What you're thinking during yoga" spoof. We can all relate ;)
Lastly, "If cross fitters took yoga".
I'm not sure if this is what's wrong with the world, or what's right with it, but either way I hope you get at least one good laugh in today.
Namaste ;)